Wednesday, January 20, 2010


So, my parents came to town this last weekend for a race... and i didnt get any picures of the actual race... because long story, my Dad raced, got a concusion and Rhett and I sat in the hospital with him most of Saturday.... but he was fine a few hours later--- and so that night we headed to SuperCross down at the Diamondback Stadium!!
Here is a picture of the parents... needless to say my Dad was a little sore, and quite tired... but he was a trooper! We had so much fun, thanks Mom and Dad!!

Here is the Hubb-ster and I!! We havent ever been to the diamondback stadium, i think it is the nicest baseball stadium ever built-- and they also had some wonderful junk food... which is my favorite part!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Happy Birthday!!!

Well Rhett turned the big 2-8!! So we celebrated with Burke, by going to the Cheesecake Factory!! Poor Rhett worked about 14 hours that day at the Maricopa Hospital... so he was a little tired... plus still had to go home and prepare a presentation for work... so it wasnt too exciting of a birthday... we didnt even open presents until two days later, that is how busy he has been!!

So, due to the lack of excitement... I made the waitress get some of her girlie friends to sing to him, to his dismay.... And how cute is he?? He even gave me a little posey-pose for the camera- that doesnt happen often!! Does he look a little red too you?? j/k

Burke was so nice to take us.... so we had to grab a quick photo!!

Friday, January 8, 2010

The results are IN........

Well, I went to the Doctor today and he snuck me into the ultrasound room real quick to see if we could figure out the sex of our babies!!! We were pretty sure already that one of them is girl.... but the results are in--- and looks like we are, for sure, thinking PINK!!!!

And thinking pink again!!!

We are so excited!!! Guess i better start thinking of nursery themes, and fabric for bedding!! Any suggestion's??????????

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Frei's are moving from 2 to 4!!!!

No, I don't mean anniversary's... And yes i do mean members of our family... yes, our family, Rhett & I... We are having twins!!!

I am about just past 15 weeks, finally over morning sickness... and well i still dont know if this has officially set in for either one of us!! We are really excited and maybe a little nervous at the same time... but we couldnt be happier!!