Well, for Labor Day we decided to take one last vacation, before Rhett had to go back to school!
Destination: Disneyland and Disney's California Adventure
We went with
Rhetts sister and her husband and his brother Burke!! It was so fun!! Here is the boys getting ready to get dizzy on the tea cups!! Bevin and I were still dizzy from the Grizzly River Run- so we decided to pass....
Below-- is Burke and Bevin on the Toy Story Ride!! We loved this ride!! It had these big screens and you had these little shooters and you would shoot at the items on the screen- and then it would calculate your points!! It was like a life size, interactive arcade game!! Too bad Rhett killed me, but it was so fun, we even went twice!!

This is just before Pirates!! My favorite ride!!
It was hardly busy at all--- we just walked right on to quite a few of the rides, it was great!

California here we come... The whole time we were there we kept singing the theme to the O.C. Burke kept joking that we going to go find Ryan's house... and we really wanted to go to the cemetary and see Marissa... but instead we just went to the Newport temple(pic below).

California Screamin'!! Yes, i was too chicken to go-- i DO NOT like roller coasters!!

Here is the Newport temple. It was beautiful!! It was a pinkish color and it almost looked like a spanish mission-- if you know what that is(they have these missions along the coast of California, think the picture on Mission Viejo tortillas). It was very pretty and i like how they included the culture of California.

Of course we had to hit the beach at newport and then we drove all the way to Santa Monica and watched the street performers.

Check out this guy!! He is painted silver from head to toe... His whole face was silver, even his eyelids-- quite entertaining!!