So according to Regis and Kelly at 8:44 yesterday Fall officially began!! I am so excited!!! Except for the fact that today is supposed to be 102 degrees--- Fall in arizona?? This is what i am saying!!
So we went to this fireside on Sunday and the bishops wife had taken pictures of the view from their apartment, during every season. So i thought... hmmm... this might be a fun game in arizona. So here is picture #1 for fall. Let's just see if it looks any different in a few months.

Meanwhile, Rhett has been studying... Surprise, surprise. He has also been seriously busy, with so many other things... It is even hard for me to keep track of his schedule. He helped start a club at the school, so the other week was clubs week and so he was busy doing that for his club and for HOME, (the clinic that he helps organize). Then he has been to UMOM(the clinic) twice in the last couple weeks and had a few tests and quizzes to keep him busy. Poor guy is running around like crazy!! Meanwhile i have been scrapbooking like it is going out of business!! It is so nice to finally have a scrapbook table and a room to spread out all of my stuff! Ill have to post pictures of it later-- it is so nice to have all my items organized and easily accesible- it makes it more excititng to scrapbook!! So here are a few of my latest pages...

They are kind of hard to see put you can click on them and they will get bigger... or you can get the idea by just looking at these.

I love that you are such a good scrap-booker! I'm trying to find a way to scrap book that I'll actually stick with - which probably means going digital. Your layouts rock!
I LOVE Fall...or at least I am pretty sure it's my favorite season. It is hard to tell living in AZ now (same with So Cal).
Thankfully Kingman though is out of the 100 degree temps finally.
I love your pages. Someday I want to look through your scrapebook.
Fall is my most favorite time of year! I love sweaters and he leaves changing. I hate this time of year in AZ. It is too hot still, but come November I will love the weather! You are amazing at scrapbooking.
Wow, you are an awesome scrapbooker. Those pictures with the Elk are amazing! So - I am happy you commented about Lance's hair - I have had mixed feelings since I did it, but I am happy that hair cutting pro liked it! ;)
You're a scrape booker!?! So, I found your blog and thought I would take a peak! Way cute!
I love the distressing on your scrapbook pages. Looks VERY cute. And I agree... when Sis. Hall was talking about the seasons, it was hard not to laugh. AZ pretty much stays the same.
What a great scrap booker you are. You make me want to get out all my stuff and start trying to catch up from the last 8 months--ha ha! I wish I had a room to leave it all out like you! I am ready for FALL to come here too!!!
i couldn't agree more with ya...i luv luv luv the fall season..right now my whole house smells like pumpkins and spices! I just luv it!
I swear having a place to lay out your scrapbook stuff is half the battle! It's so nice to lay out a page and be able come and go as you can. Hey what kind of club did rhett start?
Well I'm feeling like fall is coming too quickly here in Provo! But it sounds like you guys are doing good. Poor Rhett and his business! It looks like you've got a lot of scrapbooking done and I'm jealous! Thanks for keeping us all updated on your life!
Your scrapbooks are so cute!!! I love to check out the crafts you are up to. Hope you are doing well and not having too much fun at girls night with out me. ;)
You two are so cute! Yeah fall in Phoenix isnt much different then the other seasons, at least I dont think. Are you still working at the bank?
Your blog is so cute! Hopefuly we will see you sooner then later, love ya
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