Sunday, July 5, 2009

Frei Return and 4th of July!!!

Well our July 4th.. was quite memorable this year. Rhetts parents came home from their 3 year mission in Brazil, or B-ville as we like to call it!! Sadly, poor Rhett had to work on the day that they arrived at the airport, so we missed that monumental Mormon event. We were pretty bummed- -but so goes the life of a medical student!!!
It was so good to see them, and even better to see them in the US of A!! We spent most of our trip car shopping for them and just hanging out with all of Rhett's siblings and also had several visits from neighbors.
On the Fourth we had a typical american BBQ-- complete with Salmon, corn on the cob and homemade ice cream!! Then we lit some fireworks in the front yard... Rhett and Jeremy were running around like pyro-maniacs' they were so excited while lighting all those fireworks. Here is a pic from the firework festivities!!