School & Work
I feel like we are sooo boring, but everytime our families call that is about all that is new... or the same?
So here you go, here is some detail...
My family came to visit last weekend and sadly i didnt take 1 picture can you believe it?? It was so great to see them!!! My little brother had an ATV race, we made it to a quick dinner at P.F. Changs, and did a little shopping and JorDan ended up taking 4th at the race, way to go Stud!!!
Well, like I said most of Rhett's time has spent at school and studying, however he did manage to replant our tomato plants in these cute pots, because they are getting BIGGER!!
And we have A tomato!!!
My poor little husband, this is him most nights, April is going to be a little crazy at school, two tests a week. And then finals are the first part of May. It is going to be a long six or so weeks for him. But that follows by three long months of summer!! We are SO excited!!!!
Besides work, i have been doing a few crafts here and there, so here is an update...
Any suggestions????
I also made these cute frames, a couple weeks ago... I was a little nervous, but they turned out SO CUTE!!!!
It was my friend Criscell's birthday and this "was" going to be her cute b-day gift. But i left the house for an hour and the cute little rice krispy flowers were drooping off the stick! So, instead she got a plate full of rice krispies instead of this cute flower pot! It was sad... oh well next year we'll try again!!
Nope, just Rhett's 'props' for teaching his class how to breathe into a Spirometer(an apparatus for measuring the volume of air inspired and expired by the lungs). Pretty creative i thought!!
A couple of my friends and I made these cute wall hooks, we got the idea from my friend Sarah, and so hopefully she doesn't mind that we copied(thanks Sarah!). We finished the hooks a while ago, but i just barely figured out a way to hang the picure frames, in a way that i sort of like...
Your really craftie. All your things look so cute. I think you have a good eye for cuteness. That's probably why your such a good hair dresser.
So I've decided that everything you do, Sara, is SUPER CUTE!! Your boards turned out darling! I loved the rice krispies--they were so yummy and looked great even without the sticks. Thank you! I want you to show me how to make those picture frames you did. Where did you get the idea? One of these days I want you to come over and help me do my magnet board!! If I ever get on the ball and paint it I'll let you know...
What a fun post! I love that you took pictures of school and work - that's so funny. I want to know how to do the frames too... and where did Criscell get her magnet board? I want one too! (okay, now I know where Ben has learned to whine..)
Wow you are so talented! I love all of it!
Hi again Sara Frei! Remember me? The recipe girl. I thought I would check back to see what you were up to. I totally love the hooks and pictures! I was thinking of something similar for my picture wall, I just got my kids pictures taken (you can see them on my blog). If you need any more recipes you know who to ask. :)
You make the cutest things!1 I love the board you did...I might have to use that idea as well. I'm always trying to come up with new cute things to decorate our house. What did you use for the frames? They are super cute too. The picture of Rhett with his laptop is way too familiar around here...we are looking forward to summer too!
your crafts are so cute, I might try and make a picture thing! THAT WAS SO CUTE! Anyways- hope you don't mind if I try, talk to you soon!
You are way crafty.....I need to be better. HOpe you and your hubby hang in there with all that school!
Thanks for the tips for your crafty's good to know that you bought the hooks from Ebay...I had looked at target too and when I saw how much they were I was thinking that I could only buy two per month to stay in our budget...okay not really, but I was rethinking it because of how much they were and how many I would want to buy!
I know what you mean about every day being boring and just the same thing over and over .... also, I'm super jealous of your tomato plants.
I love the way you displayed your photos, Sara. You are so creative! (The flower pot is adorable, too!)
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