Saturday, February 2, 2008

Sorry.. another tag...

A: The rules of the game are posted at the beginning. B: Each player answers the questions about themselves. C: At the end of the post, the player then tags 3 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
-10 years ago today...
Well, I was 14 and in the ninth grade.. This was a very busy year for me, I was on Student Council, and also one of three students chairing our famous 9th grade Fashion Show(which was on v-day(remember this girls??)... I was also helping to plan the v-day dance... I was also debating how i could avoid going to school on valentines day all together, because it was always a really embarrassing holiday for me. To add to it.. i was on the yearbook staff, debate team, and getting ready for cheer try-outs? And did i mention i was busy???

5 things on my to-do list today:
1- Change my Blog Background (any suggestions???)
2- Take the meat out of my freezer for our Cafe Rio/Superbowl shin-dig
3- Find a 2nd job (yep, it's true) i feel as though i have a little too much time on my hands!)
4- Go to the store(who knows if i will get there?)
5- Fill out this TAG!!! Thanks, Sarah

I enjoy:
1- Spending any free time my Husband has, with him
2- One Tree Hill
3- Scrapbooking
4- Tips from the Salon!!!
5- Spending time with family and friends
6- Laying in the sun
7- Getting mail(lame- i know, but i look forward to that mailbox EVERYday!!)

What would I do if I were suddenly made a billionaire?
1- Pay for medical school with cash(do you think they would give us a discount?)
2- Buy a Toyota Four-Runner(I have wanted one since highschool)
3- Quit my job!!
4- Buy a REAL Coach Purse(no more fakies!)
5- Stop stressing about money, wouldn't that be nice???

3 of my bad habits:
1- Biting my nails-it drives Rhett nuts!
2- Taking Charge.... okay being bossy- i really don't know i am doing it until after i do it.. and i did it last night, sorry guys!
3- When i do something even slightly wrong i feel horrible for days, and i apologize to the point of being annoying(ummm, see item 2-)

5 places I have lived:
1- Rancho Cucamonga, Calif.(yes, that is the name)
2- St. George, Utah
3- Provo, Utah
4- Cedar City, Utah(I keep telling Rhett that we will end up there, i love that little town!)
5- Glendale, Az

5 jobs that I have had:
1- Papa Murphy's Pizza
2- Front Desk Mgr. Howard Johnson
3- Mgr. SuperCuts
4- Area Supervisor for Smartstyle Salons(talk about a busy job!)
5- Fantastic Sam's

5 things people don't know about me:
1- I love being around people(I love the noise!)
2- I am very scared about giving birth
3- I am shy(or did you know that??)
4- I have a hard time with change(I don't even think Rhett knows that, i try to hide it)
5- I make my bed EVERY morning, even Sunday, even when i am sick(Thanks Mom)

I tagged... Jessica, Hilary, and Meradith


Amber said...

Hey Sara, Thanks for the comment, I am so happy to keep in touch with old friends and read and see how life is changing. I actually got married 3 1/2 years ago, and I live in Heber City. My husband is from Midway, so here we are. But I love it here. I moved here shortly after hair school, for a change, because I had some friends here, and it actually worked out quite well. I love it here, and I really am happy. Lilee will be 2 in April, I can't believe how fast time flies. High school was what, 7 years ago! How crazy and sad is that. lol. Anyways- You guys are so cute together, hope all is well at Med School, good luck finding a second job, and talk to you soon!

Mands Glenn said...

Sara, I just found your blog through Becky's, Carlies, and Criselles. I know. . . blog stocking. I met you at the surprise party. I just wanted to invite you guys over for tomorrow, Monday the 4th for Dessert. I thought we could celebrate the fact that the boys are over with their long test week. 3 tests in one week, blah! Email me at and I can give you my address or just talk to the girls.

Crystal said...

I love getting the mail too! Too bad we mostly get junk.

I make my bed like never. I can't believe you make it even when you're sick! You rock.

I love Cedar too! I went to SUU for a year right after high school and had such a fun time there. It's the cutest little town.

Crystal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Criscell said...

Sara! You're so cute! I don't think you're shy at all--nor are you bossy! What are you talking about that you took charge on Friday night? You just helped us all decide how we were going to get to Westgate without taking 4 vehicles--very practical!

I also hate change. I wish I could say that I have overcome that, but I'm still working on it. Thanks again for having us all over for dinner tonight! It was super yummy!! I've got to get that recipe from you!

Amber said...

p.s. what's the whole cafe rio shin dig dinner, I think I would love the recipe. If you have time, you should send it to me, anything to do with Cafe Rio, Im in!

Ashley -The Cutest Blog on the Block said...

Hi! Thanks for your comment, this is Ashley from cutestblogontheblock. I wish I had more time to try to help you troubleshoot your problem, but I am so busy! So if you would really like some help, send me an email to and let me know your blog address, your screen name, your password, and the background you would like and I will just fix it for you. That way, all you need to worry about is changing the link.


Redd family said...

hi sara- I decided to make my blog private and need your e-mail address to invite ya - just e-mail me at thanks!!

Anonymous said...

I hope you get this blog from me your cousin that you do not even know. I read your entire blog, you would be so amazed at how identical to your birth mom Suzie you are. Sara she is a beautiful person and she gives everything to everyone. She is the Lord's angel here on earth. You would love her. You have 2 little brothers. Mikey and Nick. Nick looks like you, and Mikey looks like Jayson, My auntie Suzie has very strong jeans. Your mom graduated college with a 3.7 GPA. She is a teacher, we cant go anywhere without some kid hugging her, it's amazing. She is loved. She also teaches Sunday school. You look like her.